
Terms and conditions :

  • Authors submitting (abstracts and/or papers) are responsible for ensuring that all authors listed on the (abstract and/or paper) have been notified of the submission.
  • Each (abstract and/or paper) will be reviewed by the 2025 Review Committee, and decisions to accept or reject abstracts rest with this committee.
  • Please ensure all special characters and formatting are displayed correctly.
  • Authors have to respect scientific ethics and assume the scientific contents of their paper.
  • The submitted papers must not be under consideration elsewhere
  • Please send the abstract (Download the template in word). Only use the template provided by MSMS2E 2024 to Submission System (Link).
  • Please send the full paper (Download the template in word). Only use the template provided by MSMS2E 2024 to Submission System
  •  .                                                                                                               (Link)

All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, whether experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria and must not be considered for publication elsewhere. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academic. Hence, any act of plagiarism is totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated.

Authors have to satisfy the following criteria before submitting:!!!!!!!

→ Is the subject matter within the scope of the MSMS2E 2025?
→ Does the paper contain enough original results to warrant publication?
→ Is the paper technically sound and free of errors?
→ Is the work clearly and concisely presented? Is it well organized?
→ Does the title clearly and sufficiently reflect its contents?
→ Is the abstract informative? Are the main results and conclusions mentioned?
→ Are the illustrations of adequate quality, relevant and understandable?
→ Does the bibliography give a clear view of the current state-of-the-art in the domain?
→ Is the quality of the language satisfactory?


Language :

  • All (abstracts and/or papers) must be written exclusively in English (including the title, abstract text, author names, etc).
  • All the (abstracts and/or papers) shall be submitted as per the attached sample (abstracts and/or papers) template which consists of the following below mentioned fields.
  • Any (abstract and/or paper) not in compliance with the attached sample template will not be sent to the scientific committee for review until it meets requirements as per the template available online to download.

Journal submission :

The conference committee accepts scientific papers on the stated conference themes. Active participation in the conference is invited; peer-reviewed and accepted English papers will be published in E3S Web of Conferences.

Selected papers are peer-reviewed to be published as a special issue in the Journal of Solar Energy and Sustainable Development.

More details will be available soon…..